Your Contribution is Vital! What do you do with your generosity?
- You maintain our highly visible Headquarters at 700 Arendell Street in Morehead City.
- You keep our Democratic Candidates in the public eye.
- You support the local Get Out the Vote (GOTV) effort for local, state, and national candidates.
- You help weave the 29 Democratic precincts in this county into a network for effective outreach.
- You support the work and the spirits of the many volunteers we need to ensure the Democrats become a strong presence in Carteret County.

You can make an unrestricted gift or a gift designated to Headquarters to Keep the Dem Doors Open through this year and beyond!
- The simplest way to give is with a monthly donation through ActBlue, or as an online banking payment. We have a goal of having 100 people giving a monthly donation of $10 or more to keep our Headquarters open. Please become a sustaining donor.
- You may also mail a check to PO Box 708 Morehead City, NC 28557.